Sahayeta.org is a registered 501c3 organization created by individuals who share similar stories of hardship and struggle in America, having arrived as international students, refugees and new immigrants from the Himalayan region. Sahayeta.org is conceived with a vision to create a Network of Himalayan Community in the Bay Area to truly serve as a support system to those struggling to assimilate in this “foreign” environment. The political and economic situation in the Himalayan region has created a diaspora of population leaving to find better life elsewhere. There has been an influx of international students, political refugees and immigrants entering the Bay Area. We connect these individuals with resources to get them situated in their new environment while helping create a sense of community by celebrating the Himalayan heritage and culture.

Our Mission

To facilitate integration of Himalayan immigrants, refugees and international students to mainstream American society through education, information and mentorship.
To serve as an essential resource for the community by providing support in areas such as health, education, job training and legal assistance
To preserve and promote Himalayan culture and tradition and provide a venue to discuss current Himalayan issues.
To empower the Himalayan community to take action and promote causes to foster community development here in the Bay Area and in the Himalayan region.
To promote and advocate for social justice, women empowerment, elderly and children’s right in the Bay Area and in the Himalayan region.
To serve all people of the Himalayan region without any discrimination of caste, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion and age.
We Need Your Support Today!